Mission and outlook

Mission And Outlooke


Successful management and implementation of gas plans and projects ordered by the National Iranian Gas Company (successful implementation means to implement a project according to approved schedule, cost and quality).

 20-Year Vision:

Being known as a pioneer company in management and implementation of gas industry plans and projects (including gas transmission pipelines, gas compression stations, refineries and related buildings) in the Middle East and ranking third in the world (in order to account for, at least, 10 percent of global gas trade).

 Quantitative goals by the end of 1403 (2024-25) (20-Year Vision):

Management and implementation of gas industry projects (including gas transmission pipelines, gas compression stations, refineries and related buildings) to provide necessary energy to, at least:

-         95 percent of urban families

-         40 percent of rural families

-         All domestic power plants

-         All energy-intensive industries, and

-         All gas-powered vehicles.

Quantitative goals by the end of 1393 (2014-2015) (Fifth Economic Development Plan):

Management and construction of necessary infrastructures (gas transmission pipelines, gas compression stations, refineries and related buildings) for daily production and distribution of 900 million cubic meters of natural gas with emphasis on energy-intensive industries consuming, at least, 100 million cu. m. per day.

Quantitative goals by the end of 1388 (2009-10) (Fourth Economic Development Plan):

-         To design and build 12,500 km of gas transmission pipelines;

-         To design and build 35 gas compression stations (achieving a capacity of 2,500 MW);

-         To design and build new refineries and develop existing refineries to achieve refining and dehumidification capacity of 586 million cu. m. of natural gas per day;

-         To design and build 10 repair yards.